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Yes. (-4)-2=-6

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Q: Is the difference of a negative number and a positive number a negative?
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When a negative number is subtracted from a positive number is the difference always positive?

Yes, a negative number subtracted from a positive number will always be positive. Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the opposite of the negative number. The opposite of a negative number is always positive. A positive number plus a positive number is always positive.

How do you find difference a negative number and a positive number?

to find the difference between a negative number and a positive number, you do the same thing as you would do for a positive and positive number. You just subtract the smaller number (which would of course be the negative) from the larger number (the positive). example: difference between 7 and -4 7 - (-4) = 11

What is the difference between a negative number and a positive number?

Negative numbers are below zero whereas positive are above zero.

What is a positive number minus a positive?

the difference between a postive and a postive number is a postive or a negative.

Does a negative number and a positive number equal a negative number?

Not necessarily. If the quantity of the negative number is more than the positive number, then the answer will be both numbers' difference with the sign of the negative number since it is greater. If the positive number is greater, then the operations are vice versa ( backwards)

What are the rules fr multiplication and divisions of integers?

(positive number) x (positive number) = positive number (positive number)/(positive number) = positive number (positive number) x ( negative number) = negative number (positive number)/( negative number) = negative number (negative number) x (negative number) = positive number (negative number)/(negative number) = positive number

What does a negative number multiplied by a negative number equal to?

A positive number. Positive Number x Positive Number = Positive Number Positive Number x Negative Number = Negative Number Negative Number x Negative Number = Positive Number

Does a positive number times a negative number equal a negative or a positive number?

A negative number. A positive number x a positive number = a positive number A negative number x a negative number = a positive number A positive number x a negative number = a negative Hope this helps :D

How can you decide if the difference of two numbers is positive negative or zero without actually calculating the difference?

You can do this by inspection. If the second number is smaller than the first, their difference is positive. If the second number is greater than the first, then their difference is negative. If the second number is the same as the first number, then their difference is zero.

Is the difference of two natural number is positive?

Not necessarily. If you swap them, the difference will be negative.

How do you work out how to times a positive number by a negative number?

A positive number times a positive number will always get you a positive number A negative number times a negative number will always get you a positive number (same signs will get you a positive number) but A positive number times a negative number will always get you a negative number or A negative number times a positive number will always get you a negative number (different signs will get you a negative number)

What is a negative times a positive times a positive?

A negative. If you have a string of positive and negative numbers multiplied together, all you need to find the sign of the answer is to find the parity of the negative numbers. If there are an odd number of negatives then the answer is negative and if there are an even number of negatives then the answer is positive. Remember, positive numbers make no difference to the sign of the answer.