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Yes, irrational.

Let p = root 2 and q = root 3. Then (q - p)2 = 5 - 2root6, which is irrational because it is the sum of an integer (5) and an irrational (2root6), and so q - p (which is root3 - root2) is irrational.

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Q: Is the difference of root2 and root3 irrational?
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Check Binary tree isomorphism?

//not sure if it is correct bool isomorphic(struct Node* root1,struct Node* root2) { if(root1 root2->value) return ( isomorphic(root1->left,root2->left) && isomorphic(root1->right,root2->right) isomorphic(root1->right,root2->left) && isomorphic(root1->left,root2->right) ); else return false; }

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