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Q: Is the geometry of Allene planar according to the molecular orbitals applicable to its bonding?
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What is the molecular geometry or shape of chloroform CHCl3?

The molecular geometry is tetrahedral. The orbitals are sp^3 hybridized. The molecule is polar. The bond angles are 109.47 degrees.

What is the difference between bonding and anti bonding molecular orbital?

Electrons in a bonding orbital have lower energy levels than the average energy of a valence electrons in the isolated atoms between which the orbital is formed. Antibonding orbitals do not meet this criterion, so that anitbonding orbitals can be stable only in conjunction with bonding orbitals, whereas bonding orbitals can be formed without any accompanying antibonding orbitals.The molecular orbitals which is formed by the addition of atomic orbitals is called bonding molecular orbitals.The molecular orbitals which is formed by the subtraction of atomic orbitals is called antibonding molecular orbitals.

How does a molecular orbital differ from an atomic orbital?

Molecular consists of multiple atomic orbitals

What are the postulates of molecular orbit theory?

Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT):&acirc;&euro;&cent;Basic idea of MOT is that atomic orbitals of individual atoms combine toform molecular orbitals. Electrons in molecule are present in themolecular orbitals which are associated with several nuclei.&acirc;&euro;&cent;The molecular orbital formed by the addition of atomic orbitals is calledthe bonding molecular orbital (s ).&acirc;&euro;&cent;The molecular orbital formed by the subtraction of atomic orbital is calledanti-bonding molecular orbital (s*).&acirc;&euro;&cent;The sigma (s ) molecular orbitals are symmetrical around the bond-axiswhile pi (p ) molecular orbitals are not symmetrical.&acirc;&euro;&cent;Sequence of energy levels of molecular orbitals changes for diatomicmolecules like Li2, Be2, B2, C2, N2 is 1s < *1s < 2s< *2s < ( 2px = 2py)

How is a molecular orbital formed?

In molecular orbital theory, MO theory, molecular orbitals are "built" from atomic orbitals. A common approach is to take a linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO), specifically symmetry adapted linear combinations (SALC) using group theory. The formation of a bond is essentially down to the overlap of the orbitals, the orbitals being of similar energy and the atomic orbital wave functions having the correct symmetry.

Indicate how bonding is explained in term of molecular orbitals?

When two atoms combine, the overlap of their atomic orbitals produces molecular orbitals. An atomic orbital belongs to a particular atom, whereas a molecular orbital belongs to a molecule as a whole. Much like an atomic orbital, two electrons are required to fill a molecular orbital. A bonding orbital is a molecular orbital occupied by the two electrons of a covalent bond

How does methane have geometry?

Methane has tetrahedral geometry. In methane carbon undergoes sp3 hybridisation. The four sp3 hybrid orbitals form four sigma bonds with four 1s orbitals of hydrogen atoms.

Are all sigma bonding molecular orbitals are gerade?

Yes ^^

What is the molecular geometry of OF2?

OF2 gemometry: sp3 hybridized atoms adopt a tetrahedral geometry. Becasue of the sp3 orbitals contain lone pairs, the VSEPR model indicates that the molecule has an overall bent geometry. The bond angles should be less than 109.5 degrees because the lone pairs repel each other more than the bonding pairs.

Why Be2 does not exist according to mo theory?

According to the molecular orbital theory, Beryllium containes 4 electrons and two orbitals. However, when two atoms combine, they produce four orbitals and eight electrons. Therefore, for every bond formed, there will be an anti-bond created.

What species have no electrons in anti bonding 2p molecular orbitals?


What is sp3 hybradization?

mixture of one s and 3p orbitals forming a tetrahedral geometry