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Q: Is the height to which the elevator ascends proportional to the number of minutes it takes to get there if an elevator ascends or goes up at a rate of 750 feet per minute?
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Related questions

How long does the average elevator ride to the top take?

The average elevator ride to the top of a building can vary widely depending on the height of the building, the speed of the elevator, and any stops it makes along the way. In general, it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to several minutes.

What is Vladimir Putin's height?

165 + elevator shoes

what- two elevators are side by side. the freight elevator is at the bottom and traveling upward, and the express elevator is at the 20th floor and traveling downward?

the fourth floor

Building a model of an object to scale means that the height of the object is to the height of the model?


What does short height boys do for becoming taller?

Wear elevator shoes?

What is the relation between the volume and height of two similar cones?

The volume is proportional to the cube of the height.

When An elevator is 180 feet above the first floor and Each second it descends twelve feet what integer is the change in the height of the elevator each second?

Its height is changed by -12 ft/s

What are 2 ways to increase potential energy?

Increase the height of an object above the ground, as potential energy is directly proportional to height. Increase the mass of an object, as potential energy is also directly proportional to mass.

What relationship exists between height and potential energy if mass is held constant?

The relationship between height and potential energy is directly proportional when mass is held constant. As an object is raised to a higher height, its potential energy increases. This relationship is given by the equation: potential energy = mass x gravity x height.

Are elevator shoes still in fashion?

Elevator shoes or height increasing shoes are definitely still in fashion. Everywhere I look, I can find gorgeous looking shoes that are in fashion. They can increase your height by five inches without anyone being able to notice the difference.

what- two elevators are side by side. the freight elevator is at the bottom floor and traveling upward, and the express elevator is at the 20th floor and traveling downward. the height of the freight elevator?

the fourth floor

Is height proportional to velocity?

No, height is not directly proportional to velocity. Velocity is the rate of change of position over time, while height is a measure of vertical distance from a reference point. The relationship between height and velocity can vary depending on factors such as gravity, air resistance, and the initial conditions of the system.