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The mass of feathers is far greater than the lead.

amount = mass

So you will have a huge pile of feathers compared to a small chunk of lead to equal a pound

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Q: Is the mass of one pound of lead greater than less than or equal to the mass of one pound of feathers?
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What weighs more a pound of lead or fethers?

A pound of lead weighs the same as a pound of feathers. The weight is the same, but the volume of feathers will be much greater than that of lead.

Does sixteen oz of cream cheese equal 1 pound?

16 ounces of anything (lead... Feathers...) equals a pound

Which one has more volume a pound of feathers or lead?

The feathers "take up more room" than the lead. It would be hard to compress the feathers to make them as dense as lead. The feathers have more volume.

What falls faster a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?

Both a pound of lead and a pound of feathers will fall at the same rate in a vacuum due to gravity. However, in a real-world scenario, air resistance will affect the feathers more than the lead, making the feathers fall slower.

Why does a pound of feathers and a pound of lead weigh the same?

Because pounds measure weight. A pound of feathers would be a whole lot bigger than a pound of lead.

Which takes up more room a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?

A pound of feathers because feathers are less dense than lead and therefore take up more volume for the same mass.

Which has the most mass volume a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?

A pound of feathers has more mass. The are lighter so they would take up more space to make a pound.

Which material has greater density lead or feathers?


Which weighs more 1 pound of feathers or 1 pound of lead?

1 pound = 1 pound

Which has greater volume lead or feathers?

the same

Which is heavier a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?

Neither of those items weighs more. We know that, because you have told us the weightof each item, and we have completed a comparative calculation. One of them weighsone pound and the other weighs one pound. One pound is equal to one pound. So theweight of one is equal to the weight of the other, and neither of them weighs more thanthe other. Reasoning symmetrically, we are also mathematically entitled to state thatneither of them weighs less than the other one either, as well, also, too.

Which has a greater mass a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?

Something that weighs a ton is equal to other things that weigh a ton, therefore a ton of anything is equal to a ton of anything else. Even if it's feathers versus lead or cotton versus cement.