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Q: Which material has greater density lead or feathers?
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That depends on the material or the density. Lead shot, or feathers?

Does a solid piece of lead float in the water?

No, lead is a dense material and will sink in water. The density of lead is greater than the density of water, so it will not float.

Which is denser lead or feathers?

Lead is denser than feathers. Lead is a heavy metal with a high density, while feathers are lightweight and have a low density due to the air trapped within them.

Which has greater volume lead or feathers?

the same

What has greater density silver or lead?

Lead has a greater density than silver. Lead has a density of 11.34 g/cm3, while silver has a density of 10.49 g/cm3.

Which has a greater weight a kilogram of butter or a kilogram of lead which has greater density?

They both weight a kilogram. Lead has a higher density.

Which has a greater density .33 cubic meter of snow or .67 cubic meter of air or .625 cubic meter of a book or .375 cubic meter of feathers packed tightly or .125 cubic meter of lead?

The lead is more dense. Just so you know the volumes listed before each material are irrelevant - each one theoretically has a constant density no matter how much of it there is.

Which has a greater mass a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?

Something that weighs a ton is equal to other things that weigh a ton, therefore a ton of anything is equal to a ton of anything else. Even if it's feathers versus lead or cotton versus cement.

Is the mass of one pound of lead greater than less than or equal to the mass of one pound of feathers?

The mass of feathers is far greater than the lead. amount = mass So you will have a huge pile of feathers compared to a small chunk of lead to equal a pound

Why does a kilogram of lead have a bigger density than a kilogram of feathers?

The density of a material is defined as its mass per unit volume. A given volume of lead has more mass than a given volume of feathers. In common usage mass often refers to weight, but that is not a very exact usage of it. For this question it may be useful however to think of a given weight of lead per volume and a given weight of feathers.If you have a kg of lead, that is a small piece, a kg of feathers is a large amount.So for a given volume, say a cubic centimeter, the weight of lead is much more than the weight of feathers.

Which has greater weight a kilogram of butter of kilogram of lead what is greater density which has greater volume?

They both weigh the same: 1kg = 1kg. The kg of butter has a greater volume and the kg of lead has a higher density.

How many kilograms is equal to a 20 feet container?

It depends on the density of the material. Think of a 20 ft container filled with feathers and another filled with lead. Do you think they will have the same mass?