64 / sixty-four
The number 1864 is one thousand eight hundred sixty-four. The year 1864 is "eighteen sixty-four."
64,004 is: sixty-four thousand four.
No, sixty four (64) is a composite number (not a prime number) because it can be written as a product of numbers, specifically 8*8 (or 2^6).
268,024,466 = two hundred sixty-eight million, twenty-four thousand, four hundred sixty-six.
Sessantaquattro is an Italian equivalent of the English number "sixty-four (64)."Specifically, the number sessanta means "sixty (60)." The number quattro means "four (4)." The pronunciation is "sehs-SAHN-tah-KWAHT-troh."
As a number it is: 21,064
Sixty plus four is, sixty-four. It is 64! Jeez!
Sixty and four tenths can be written as 60.4, or 60.4 followed by a number of zeroes, depending upon the precision needed.