

Is the quadrilateral tessellation a regualr tessellation?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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No, it is not because a quadrilateral is generally not a regular polygon.

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Q: Is the quadrilateral tessellation a regualr tessellation?
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Related questions

Is the quadrilateral tessellation a regular tessellation?

Only if the quadrilateral is a square.

What is a regualr tessellation?

A regular tessellation is when polygons are joined together leaving no gaps or overlaps

Its possible to create a regular tessellation with a regualr otagon?

Assuming that the question refers to a regular octagon (not a regualr otagon), the answer is no.

Can any quadrilateral be used to form a tessellation?

Yes, any quadrilateral can be used.

What is another name for a regualr quadrilateral with for right angles?

a square

Is this statement true or falseAny quadrilateral can be used to form a tessellation?


Can a regular quadrilateral be used by itself to make a tessellation?

Tessellation is defined as the tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. In mathematics, tessellations can be generalized to higher dimensions. A periodic tiling has a repeat pattern. A regular quadrilateral can be used by itself to make a tessellation.

Can a tessellation be made using the shape of a kite?

Yes, any quadrilateral will tessellate.

What do the angles equal in an irregular quadrilateral?

The sum of all the angles of a quadrialateral, whether its regualr or irregular is 360 degrees.

What kind of regular polygon can be used to form a tessellation?

A regular triangle, quadrilateral (i.e., square) and hexagon may be used.

Is a triangle a tessellation?

Yes it is a tessellation.

What is the name of this regular tessellation and why?

Non-visible tessellation or non-existent tessellation, perhaps.