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Q: Is the square root of 99 rational or irrational?
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Is the square root of 99 a rational or irrational number?

Irrational: it amounts to roughly 9.949874371

Is the square root of 99 a rational number?

√99 = Square root of 99 = Irrational. Rational # are able to be expressed as the ratio of 2 integers. i.e. √25 = +5 5 = 5/1 = rational Irrational # can not be expressed as a ratio of 2 integers.

Is 814 plus the square root of 99 rational?

No. 1) The square root of any positive integer that doesn't happen to be a perfect square is IRRATIONAL.2) If you add a rational and an irrational number, the result is irrational.

Is the square root of 99 an irrational number?

√99 is irrational.

Is the square root of 99 irrational?


Is 9.9 irrational?

99 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

What is the square root of 99?

Expressed as a number to two decimal places, this is approximately equal to 9.95.Expressed as a surd, the square root of 99 is equal to 3 sqrt(11).9.94987 (rounded)It is an irrational number and it is about 9.95The square root of 99 is 9.9

Is the number 99 rational or irrational?

99 is an irrational number! rational number is the one which can be wrriten in terms of ratios of two numbers! * * * How about 99 = 198/2 = 293/3 = 396/4? Every whole number is a rational number, of course, including 99.

Is the root of 99 a rational number?

No, they are not.

Is 0.35 repeating a rational or irrational number?

Rational, because it can be converted to a fraction . Let P = 0,353535....& 100P = 35.353535... Subtract 99P = 35.0 P = 35/99 This will not reduce any further. NB An IRRATIONAL number can be casually thought of as a decimal were the digits go to infinity , and there is no regular order in the digits. pi = 3.141592... is probably the most well known irrational number. Other irrational; numbers being the square root of prime numbers. e.g. sqrt(2) = 1.414213562....

What irrational number has the decimal representation that begins 0.232323232?

23/99, which is rational.

Is the the decimal 0.64 repeating rational or irrational?

It is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction in the form of 64/99