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No. Absolute zero is -273 degrees celsius. A reading of zero celsius is the freezing point of water.

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Q: Is the temperature reading of zero on the Celsius equal to absolute zero?
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What is absolute zero in degrees Celsius?

Absolute zero is -273.15 °C (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius).Absolute zero in temperature refer to 0 Kelvin which is equal to -273.15'C.negative 273.15

What does absolute temperature mean?

Absolute temperature is the same as the Kelvin temperature scale. Zero degrees Kelvin is the lowest possible temperature, meaning that there is no heat at all. It is equal to minus 273 degrees Celsius.

The temperature at which the volume of a gas theoretically becomes zero is called?

Absolute zero and is equal to -273.16 Celsius

What is 0 degrees kelvin in centigrade?

The temperature of 0 Kelvin is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, known as absolute zero, all molecular motion ceases.

What is -273 Celsius to?

-273 celsius is very close to absolute zero, the coldest temperature physically possible in the universe.-273 celsius is equal to -459.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 23 Celsius?

23 degrees Celsius is a temperature reading on the the Celsius scale. To compare to the Fahrenheit scale 23 degrees Celsius is equal to 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature does the numerical reading on the Celsius Thermometer equal that on a Fahrenheit?

Negative forty degrees

Temperature of 798k is equal to what celsius temperature?

704.85 degrees Celsius ==

A temperature of 798Kelvin is equal to what in Celsius temperature?

524.9 degrees Celsius.

What is -23.15 degrees celsius in Fahrenheit?

The temperature -23.15 °C is equal to about -9.67 °F The conversion factor is Fahrenheit temperature = (9/5 x Celsius temperature)+ 32 * This temperature is suspiciously similar to absolute zero, -273.15 °C (-459.7 °F).

What Celsius temperatures equal to absolute zero?

-273.15 Celsius or -459.67 Fahrenheit.

What does 50 degress equal in kelvin degress?

323 degrees K When converting from Celsius to Kelvin, you just add the temperature of absolute zero, 273 degrees, to the temperature.