Absolute zero is -273.15 °C (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius).
Absolute zero in temperature refer to 0 Kelvin which is equal to -273.15'C.
negative 273.15
No. Absolute zero is -273 degrees celsius. A reading of zero celsius is the freezing point of water.
It isn't. "Absolute zero" is zero on the Kelvin scale, 273.15 degrees colder than zero Celsius.
Absolute zero
I will assume you meant to ask, "What is absolute zero?" Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature, at -273 degrees Celsius, or 0 Kelvins.
0 Kelvin or Absolute zero
The Celsius equivalent for absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
Absolute zero is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this point, molecular motion ceases and no heat energy remains in a substance.
No. Absolute zero is -273 degrees celsius. A reading of zero celsius is the freezing point of water.
Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, particles have minimum movement and energy.
It isn't. "Absolute zero" is zero on the Kelvin scale, 273.15 degrees colder than zero Celsius.
Zero grade on the Celsius scale is the freezing point of water at 0 degrees, while absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature at which particles have minimal motion. Absolute zero is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius.
Absolute zero Celsius is the lowest temperature possible on the Celsius scale, at which point particles have minimal energy and movement ceases. It is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius.
Absolute zero is 0 Kelvins, or -273.15 degrees Celsius.
absolute zero
This is called absolute zero. The temperature is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius.
Absolute zero is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius and -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.
No, zero degrees Celsius is not the coldest possible temperature. Absolute zero, which is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius, is the lowest possible temperature where all molecular activity ceases.