

Best Answer

No. You're actually describing the 'Cartesian Coordinate System' invented by Rene' Descartes. He's such a fascinating person, you should treat yourself to a read about him. Check out the link below;

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Q: Is the two-axis xy coordinate system from Rome?
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Another name for the Cartesian coordinate system is?

plane xy

Another name for the Cartesian coordinate system is the xy-plane?


Find the coordinate of X if XY equals 1 and the coordinate of Y is 0?

If Y = 0 then there is no value of X such that XY = 1.

A vertical line in an x-y coordinate system?

A vertical line in the xy coordinate plane would represent the line of an equation such as x = 1 or x = -4.

Is a coordinate graph the same as a coordinate plane?

no, coordinate graph is a graph made on a coordinate plane i.e xy-plane

What is used to locate points xy in the coordinate plane?


Do find the x- and y-coordinates of any point on the xy-plane.?

To find the x-coordinate of a point on the xy-plane, you look at the horizontal distance of the point from the y-axis. The y-coordinate of a point on the xy-plane is the vertical distance of the point from the x-axis.

What is a pair of numbers usually in the form x and y?

Paired numbers in the form (x,y) are commonly the x- and y-components of a point in a XY-coordinate system

A set of points in the xy coordinate meets two conditions as described. The y coordinate is positive the sum if the coordinate is greater than -2?

The conditions define a region in the plane.

What is the point in xy-plane called?

It is simply called a point in the coordinate or Cartesian plane.

What is the equation of a unit circle?

A unit circle is a circle of radius 1. If it's center is at the origin of an xy-coordinate system, then the equation is x (squared) + y (squared) = 1

What does the math term graph mean?

it means that you are plotting the points on a graph, or XY coordinate plane