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The answer is I dont like math sorry!! :D

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Q: Is there a difference between an operation in math and an equation in math?
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What does difference mean in an math equation?

Difference in math means subtraction. To express the difference between 6 and 2 you would use the equation 6 - 2 = 4.

What does operator mean in math terms?

Operation means that going from the left to the right of your equation, multiplication and division must always be done first before doing addition and subtraction

Inverse operation strategies for harcourt 4th grade math?

balance equation

What does 1 step equation mean in math?

by doing one operation ( +,-,x,/) you will get the answer to the problem. You have to pick the correct operation.

What is difference between linear and nonlinear control system?

linear system is like a chemistry equation or math equation where on both sides it must balance. Nonlinear is a math equation or physics that does not appear to have a direct answer just like chaos theory. lulu254ever

How do you figure out the operation in a math equation?

by using context clues or root words in the question

What is the difference between a formula and an equation in math?

Both words are used in similar ways, but strictly speaking, a formula is an expression, and an equation is a statement that two expressions are equal. An equation has an equals sign in it.

What is difference in math is it add or multiplication or subtrac?

The result of a SUBTRACTION operation is called the 'difference' .

What is the difference between a mathematical sentence and a mathematical statement?

A math sentence is converting an equation to math words. A Statement, also known as a proposition, is an assertion that is true or false but both.

What operation does the word difference indicate?

The word (difference) in the question is indicating that you need to subtract. In a math operation, when you see the words difference, how much more, or exceed these all mean you need to subtract.

What is math equation to represent?

a math equation

What is difference between engineering and design?

The difference between the desgineer and engineer is the math. They both do the same thing except the engineer does the math.