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linear system is like a chemistry equation or math equation where on both sides it must balance. Nonlinear is a math equation or physics that does not appear to have a direct answer just like chaos theory.


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Q: What is difference between linear and nonlinear control system?
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What is the difference between nonlinear and linear system?

Linear system follows principal of superposition and homogeneity and Non linear system does not follow the same.

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In saturation region transistor acts as a non linear device i.e, there is no linear relation between input and output because in saturation region output does not change for variation in input. Whereas in other operating mode transistor acts as a linear device.

Can superposition theorem be applied to nonlinear circuit?

No, superposition theorem can only be applied to linear circuits. Nonlinear circuits do not obey the principle of superposition because the relationship between current and voltage is not linear.