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No. The bounce height may depend on a variety of factors, especially the hardness of the floor, and the properties of the ball, including the amount of air it has.

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Q: Is there a formula to determine the bounce height of a basketball?
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Does the amount of air in a basketball determine how high it bounces?

Yes, wth the height of the bounce increasing with the amount of air in it. At flat basketball will hardly bounce at all. To make it bounce you need to pump it up with air until it is full (when you can't press your fingers into it and it is very hard).

How can you determine the bouncing height of a basketball?

force times height drooped from ...

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Will the ball filling make the ball bounce higher?

It may or may not because the properties of the filling determine the height to which a ball will bounce.

How high will a basketball bounce when dropped from above your head if it has 5 pounds of pressure?

It depends on your height.

How long can a basketball bounce?

Several factors affect the bounce of a basketball including the height that it was dropped from. The bounce factor includes elasticity, air pressure, force applied to it, and how rigid the surface is that the ball is bounced on.

Does a basketball go height then a bounce ball?

It depends on the boucy ball but a decent one can go wayhigher than a basket ball

What formula do you is to determine the volume of a rectangular solid?

length by width by height

How is he bounce height of a ball related to the drop height?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is the height of a ball bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is the height of the ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is the height of a ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher