Each number has a certain amount of factors. Other numbers may have the same amount of factors, but not the same exact factors. Since numbers don't stop, thee amount of factors doesn't stop either, but each number has a distinct set.
The limit is infinity if the factors do not have to be whole numbers. If you stipulate that the factors have to be whole numbers, then, yes, for each number, there is a limit to how many factors it has. For example, the number 4 has only 3 whole-number factors: 1, 2, and 4.
Anywhere from 1 to an infinite number of factors. 1 has one factor. 9 has three factors. 84 has 12 factors. There is no limit.
There are many factors that limit the potential production of wildlife. One of these factors is the loss of habitat.
There is no such number with "most factors"; if you have a number with a certain number of factors, you can always multiply it by 2, or by 3, etc., to get another number that has even more factors.
The limit depends on many factors.
There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded.There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded.There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded.There is no limit to the number of liens that can be recorded.
There really is no limit with certain screenpacks
There's technically no limit, but after a certain number your computer would surely lag too much to play or freeze altogether.
There is no limit.
There are many abiotic and biotic factors that can limit populations in an ecosystem.
There is no limit to the number of names that can be on a deed.