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for what number of tereahedra exist kaleidocycle

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Q: Is there a maximum number of tetrahedra on a kaleidocycle?
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Who invented the kaleidocycle?

Designer Wallace Walker in collaboration with Mathematician Doris Schattschneider

Are all triangular pyramids called tetrahedra?

yes all triangular pyramids are tetrahedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is a tetrahedra?


What does tectosilicate mean?

It is a type of silicates in which all four oxygen atoms of the silicate tetrahedra are shared with neighboring tetrahedra.

Is there a chemical name for quartz?

Silicon-oxygen tetrahedra with each tetrahedra sharing the oxygen atoms to give it the structure of SiO2 overall.

Another name for a triangular pyramid?

Another name is tetrahedra

What is bridging and non bridging oxygen?

A bridging oxygen is the oxygen that two SiO4 tetrahedra share in a crystal structure. A non bridging oxygen is any other oxygen that is not shared by two tetrahedra.

A 3d shape with 4 faces?

tetrahedra (a pyramid with a triangular base)

Is a tetrahdron a polyhedra?

Not exactly. A tetrahedron is a polyhedron. Many tetrahedra are polyhedra.

What do isolated tetrahedra link with?

nikki farina is so friking hot

What is the maximum number of valance electrons an element can have?

The maximum number is 8.