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for what number of tereahedra exist kaleidocycle

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Q: Is there a maximum number of tetrahedra on a kaleidocycle?
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Who invented the kaleidocycle?

The kaleidocycle was invented by American sculptor and educator, R. Buckminster Fuller, in the 1970s. It is a geometric, folding structure that can be rotated to create different patterns and shapes.

Are all triangular pyramids called tetrahedra?

yes all triangular pyramids are tetrahedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is a tetrahedra?


What does tectosilicate mean?

It is a type of silicates in which all four oxygen atoms of the silicate tetrahedra are shared with neighboring tetrahedra.

Is there a chemical name for quartz?

Silicon-oxygen tetrahedra with each tetrahedra sharing the oxygen atoms to give it the structure of SiO2 overall.

An example of a mineral that has a basic structure consisting of isolated tetrahedra linked by atoms of other elements is?

Garnet is an example of a mineral that has a basic structure consisting of isolated tetrahedra linked by atoms of other elements. In garnet, each tetrahedron shares oxygen atoms with neighboring tetrahedra, creating a three-dimensional framework. The cations occupying the spaces in between the tetrahedra give garnet its characteristic structure and properties.

Another name for a triangular pyramid?

Another name is tetrahedra

What do isolated tetrahedra link with?

Isolated tetrahedra are linked with silicate minerals such as olivine and garnet, where each tetrahedron shares no oxygen atoms with neighboring tetrahedra. This results in these minerals having higher densities and more complex crystal structures compared to other silicate minerals.

What is the maximum number of valance electrons an element can have?

The maximum number of valence electrons an element can have is 8. This is because the outermost energy level, or valence shell, of an atom can hold a maximum of 8 electrons. Exceptions to this rule can occur for elements that can have more than 8 electrons in their valence shell through the process of expanded octet.

Maximum number of right angles in a hexagon?

The maximum number is 5.

How do you find the maximum and range?

the maximum is whatever the biggest number is and the range is the maximum (the largest number) minus the minimum (the smallest/lowest number)