1 mile = 5,280 feet 3 miles = 15,840 feet That's more than 12,320 feet. 21/3 miles = 12,320 feet.
Inches, feet, miles, and more
Almost three, more like two and a half.
42236 feet is more than 8 miles. There are 5280 feet in a mile, so 8 miles is equal to 42240 feet, which is greater than 42236 feet.
To convert 2 miles into feet, we multiply 2 by 5280 (the number of feet in a mile) to get 10560 feet. The difference between 11000 feet and 10560 feet is 440 feet. This means that 11000 feet is 440 feet more than 2 miles.
2800 feet is .53 miles (or slightly more than half a mile).
10,587 feet = just slightly more than two miles (2.00511364 miles).
1 mile is more then 1 foot so 100 miles is ore then 100 feet
In ascending order: inches, feet, yards and miles
Well, slightly. 0.1894 miles equal 1000.032 feet
Well, isn't that a lovely question! 8 miles is actually longer than 42,242 feet. You see, there are 5,280 feet in a mile, so when we multiply 8 miles by 5,280 feet, we get 42,240 feet. So, 8 miles is just a tad longer than 42,242 feet.
False. When you change from miles to feet you multiply because there are more feet in a meter then there are meters in a foot