

Is time infinite

Updated: 10/26/2022
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11y ago

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I don't know.

There was a beginning (about 13.7 billion years ago),

but whether or not there is an end depends on whether the universe is closed or not.

(see 'big bang' & 'big crunch')

Time and EternityAs time is a dimension of duration in covariance or equilibrium with space, if the one were found to be infinite then it follows that the other would be also.

Since time and space are currently measurable in units known as light years, which use the velocity of light as a standard to determine distance covered in time at a known velocity, then to measure an infinite duration of time extending through an infinite expanse of space would require a unit of infinite velocity.

Paradoxically, a unit of infinite velocity would measure everything it was applied to in no time at all and would have the ability to be everywhere at once. This is, in fact, a key ingredient of Eternity.

Proof that Time Cannot be InfiniteHere is a simple proof, slightly modified from Kalam, that suggests time cannot be infinite.

1. An infinite amount of time has no end.

2. But now is an end in time.

3. Therefore, time is not infinite.

Looking at this from another angle, it is illogical to think that if an infinite past exists, that the present could ever occur. If the past is infinite, there isn't enough time to ever arrive at a present!

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