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Assuming that the question refers to a speed-time line, the answer is no. It would require the object to be travelling at infinite speed and, to be accelerated to an infinite speed would require an infinite amount of energy.

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Q: Could any part of the speed line ever become perfectly vertical?
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With regard to question 16 above could any part of the speed line ever become perfectly verical?

with regard to question 16 above could any part of the speed line ever become perfectly vertical

Is the line perfectly vertical on a speed graph if you were standing still?

No. If the horizontal axis is time, and the vertical axis is speed, and you're standing still,Then the graph is perfectly horizontal, and it coincides with the horizontal axis.

With regard to question16 above could any part of the speed line ever become perfectly vertical why or why not?

No, the speed line in a velocity-time graph cannot be vertical because velocity represents the rate of change of displacement over time. A vertical speed line would imply an infinite velocity change at that specific moment, which is not physically possible.

Which instrument will become inoperative if the static vents become clogged?

Airspeed, altimeter, and vertical speed indicator

Can speed on a curved line become perfectly vertical with time on the horzontal axis and distance on the vertcal axis?

Only in the case of infinite speed. But since in reality nothing can travel faster than light (even light isn't infinitely fast), then your answer is no. It's not possible in practice.

When representing speed on the vertical axis could the line become vertical. why or why not?

No, because the gradient of the line becomes infinite. Infinite gradient is equivalent to infinite acceleration at that point. Infinite acceleration (by Newton's Laws) would require infinite force.

Which instrument(s) will become inoperative if the static vents become clogged?

If the static vents become clogged, the airspeed indicator, altimeter, and vertical speed indicator will become inoperative. These instruments rely on static pressure to provide accurate readings, so any blockage in the static vents will disrupt their functioning.

What kind of graph shows an object's speed?

Speed = distance / time A line graph with distance on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis could be used to determine speed. The speed would equal the slope of the line. Alternatively, a line graph with distance/time on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis would show speed. The acceleration would equal the slope of the line.

How to concenrate faster and learn perfectly with speed?

The first step is to concentrate slowly and learn to spell perfectly. You can increase your speed after you have mastered that.

What is the value of the vertical speed at the highest point of the projectile's trajectory?

The vertical speed at the highest point of a projectile's trajectory is zero. This is because at the peak of the trajectory, the projectile momentarily stops ascending and starts descending, resulting in a velocity of zero in the vertical direction.

Why the vertical speed of a horizontal taut string depend on the wave speed?

The vertical speed of a horizontal taut string depends on the wave speed because the tension in the string is responsible for transmitting the wave along its length. The wave speed is determined by the tension in the string and the properties of the medium it is traveling through, which in turn affects the vertical motion of the string as the wave propagates.

What is vertical velocity?

Vertical velocity is the rate of change of an object's position in the vertical direction per unit of time. It is the speed at which an object moves up or down relative to a reference point. Positive vertical velocity indicates upward movement, while negative vertical velocity indicates downward movement.