Divide by 0.092903 or multiply by 10.7639
It is $4.75 per square foot.
Approximalty 5-6 dollars per square foot (no bevel on edge)
If something was $17.00 per square Yard it would be $1.89 per square Foot. (Just divide by 9)
The cost per square foot is, as you stated, $10. The cost for all 7 acres (304920 square feet) is $3049200.
10.00 dollars per square foot plus permit cost.
The average rental price per square foot in Orlando Florida is 17.76 dollars per square foot for residential properties. Office property costs are slightly higher.
The average cost per square foot for unfinished construction varies according to the location. Some areas are about 135 dollars per square foot while others are higher.
The price per square foot to build a new home in Minnesota varies greatly based on the quality. Lowest quality homes cost around 80-85 dollars per square foot. The most expensive homes may cost around 120-130 dollars per square foot.
figure at least 100 dollars a square foot this will get you in the ballpark
Cherry laminate flooring costs about 5 to 6 dollars per square foot for a DIY project. For a professional to install, it costs 8 to 9 dollars per square foot.