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Q: Is type of place of residence a discrete variable?
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What type of variable continuous discrete or categorical is years of experience?

continuous discrete

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What type of data has an infinite number of points between each measurement?

I think you are going for continuous variable, as compared with discrete variables.

The amount of time needed to run the Boston Marathon is an example of which type of variable?

A continuous variable which is made discrete when recorded.

Is nationality a discrete or continuous variable?

Neither, since it is "qualitative data", not "quantitative". Only quantitative data can be discrete or continuous. (Unless your assigning a numerical "value" to each nationality type, in which case it would be quantitative discrete). Answer 2: If considering the percentage, eg 100% Irish, 50% Irish, etc., then it is theoretically a continuous variable, assuming an infinite number of generations. However, in terms of currently existing and past living people, for any nationality, it is a discrete variable.

What type of data has an infinite number of points between each measurment?

I think you are going for continuous variable, as compared with discrete variables.

What is the decimal data type?

In theory, it a continuous numerical variable. In practice, however, it is made discrete by the limitations of recording it - either by hand or by computer.

Number of time you visit a place is what type of variable?

That's a dependent variable, I believe.

What is a discontinuous variable?

A discontinuous variable is a variable that has distinct categories. Blood type is a good example. You could be A, B, AB or O. This contrasts with a continuous variable such as height or weight, where there are an almost infinite number of possible values. Data for discontinuous variables is usually represented using a bar graph or pie chart, but never a scatter graph.

What are different type of math course you can takie in high school?

Typically algebra I,II, geometry, pre-calculus. Many schools will offer single-variable calculus, statistics, discrete mathematics, and occasionally multi-variable calculus or differential equations.

Is discrete is a type of resistor?

A discrete component is one where the package contains only one circuit element. The opposite is an "integrated circuit" (aka a "silicon chip" or "chip") where a package contains many circuit elements. It's not that "discrete" is a type of resistor, it's that a resistor is a type of discrete component.