

Is x symetrical

Updated: 10/17/2024
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13y ago

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Q: Is x symetrical
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Some synonyms of symetrical are: balanced, commensurate, equal, proportional, regular, shapely, commensurable.

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What is radially symetrical?

A starfish.

Is s symetrical?

Yes, it is.

Why do Buddhist monks paint symetrical?

they paint symetrical to show relaxation and kindness and exactly the same on each side

What you a 6 sided shape called?

If its a normal one then a hexagon but if it is irregualar (not being symetrical) then it is called a irregular haxagon Hope that helps x

Are alphabets from a to z are symmetrical are not you want answer with pictures?

no because if you put a mirror line between 'm' and 'n' they are not symetrical which means the others are not symetrical. here is an example example : m / n the slash is the mirror line and this is not symetrical

What is symetrical name of a cuboid?

A cube.

Are planarians symetrical?

Planarians have bilateral symmetry.

Is nh3 symetrical?

No it is not.It is an asymmetrical molecule.

Is a shape cut in half always symetrical?
