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Q: It's has one square face and other four faces are triangles what am i?
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Are all faces of a square pyramid triangles?

4 faces are triangles and 1 face is a square the square face is the base of the pyramid

What is Definition of a square pyramid?

A polyhedron of which one face is a square, and the other faces are triangles with a common vertex.

What has one rectangular face and the other faces are triangles it has 5 corners?

I believe you are referring to a square pyramid.

What solid has 4 faces that are triangles and 1 face that is a square?

A square-based pyramid

Do a square pyramid has triangles as the face?

Yes a square based pyramid has triangular faces

Does a triangular pyramid have triangles on all faces?

No. I has 3 triangle faces and one square face.

A pyramid can have two square faces true or false?

False. The bottom face can be square, but all side faces are triangles.

What geometric figure has 5 faces 8 edges 5 vertices?

The figure is a square pyramid. It is made with a square on the bottom and 4 triangles meeting at a vertex perpindicular to the square. The square has 1 face, the 4 triangles each have one face making 5 faces. The edges are made where the triangles meet each other and where they each meet the square. There are four vertices at the corners of the square and the one at the top of the pyramid.

Does a rectangular pyramid have 5 faces?

Yes. 1 face is a square, and 4 are triangles.

What has five faces of which four faces are triangles and one face is a square all triangular faces meet at one point?

That sounds like a square-based pyramid.

How many triangles and how many squares form a square pyramid?

A square based pyramid has 4 triangular faces and 1 square face.

What shape has a square face and four triangular faces?

A pyramid - it has a square base, and four triangles meeting to a point at the top.