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It is a battery.

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Q: It has a potential difference between the positive and negative terminals?
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Why do electric cell have two terminals?

They are the negative and positive terminals. Higher potential andl ower potential terminals

The terminals of a diode are called the?

anode positive potential cathode negative potential

Because it has a potential difference between the positive and negative terminals what can act as an electron pump?

dry cell

How do you tell the difference between a cathode and anode?

A:The difference is potential a anode requires a positive potential and the cathode requires a negative potential ANSWER : I wander what a zener will behave with this explanation. Both have cathode and anode terminals

What is a voltage of a battery?

It is the potential difference between the positive and negative terminals of the battery. The unit of electrical potential is the volt, so the difference in potential between two ponts is also a quantity with units of volts, colloquially called the 'voltage' between the points.

How do you represent positive and negative terminals?

Positive + Negative -

How is carbon zinc dry cell produces a voltage difference between the positive and negative terminals?

When the terminals are connected in the circuit

What is it called when positive and negative charges have a potential difference?


What is the difference between U1R-7 and U1P-7 batteries?

Negative and positive terminals are reversed.

What is the voltage reading of positive wire in 110V dc?

You should be asking, 'What is the potential reading of a positive wire....?', as 'voltage' means 'potential difference' and you can't have a potential difference on a wire! The positive wire has a potential difference of +110 V with respect to the negative wire.

What is a positive DC voltage?

A positive DC voltage is an electric potential where excess electrons will flow from negative to positive.AnswerYou appear to be mixing up potential difference (i.e. voltage) with potential. There is no such thing as a 'positive' voltage if you mean 'positive' in the sense of charge! 'Voltage' means 'potential difference', and you cannot have a positive or negative potential difference in this sense. You can only apply positive and negative in this sense to potentials.However, if you mean 'positive' in the sense of direction, then a positive voltage is one that is acting in the opposite direction to a negative voltage within the same circuit. For example, where two batteries have been connected in opposition.

What is produced whenever positive and negative ions have been separated?

potential difference