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Q: Why do batteries have positive and negative energies?
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Why do batteries have a positive and negative side?

they do because like magnets we have negative and positive ,negative and negative repel and vise verse but positive and negative attract

What did the mohawks believe?

The Mohawk Indians believed in energies. They believed that positive and negative energies can have an effect on something in life.

How do you connect two twelve volt batteries for a truck?

Assuming the truck has a 12 volt system, connect the batteries in parallel, that is positive to positive and negative to negative.

How do you know positive and negative terminals?

Look for a + by the positive terminal and a - by the negative terminal, or red for positive, black for negative. Some batteries have the positive terminal protruding and the negative terminal flat. Or you can get a meter that will tell you which is which,

What is positive about batteries?

One terminal is positive and the other terminal is negative. The positive terminal is slightly larger.

How do you connect two batteries to work as one?

Type your answer here... To use two batteries as a single power source, you have to connect the positive to the negative and the remaining negative to ground. The remaining positive goes to the red positive cable. The batteries are now in a series circuit. If you use two 6 volt batteries the total voltage is 12 volts. If you use 2 12 volt batteries the total voltage is 24 volts. If you hook the batteries both negative to negative and positive to positive you have made a parallel circuit. Batteries in a parallel circuit cancel each other out. Two 6 volt batteries in parallel have a total voltage of 0 volts. klb

What does plus end of AA battery mean?

If you look closely to a battery there are two symbols. (+) and (-) Batteries have chemical energy both positive and negative. and a battery compartment has a spring and a metal surface. they each conclude different energies ( + and -) so the plus sign of a Battery means positive

Is it red to positive and black to negative on car batteries?

Yes, that is correct.

Do you attach a battery's positive terminal to a positive terminal and a negative terminal to a negative terminal to increase their capacity?

positive (red wire) to positive post (+) negative (black wire) to negative post (-) positive (red wire) to positive post (+) negative (black wire) to negative post (-) posiItive (red wire) to positive post (+) negative (black wire) to negative post (-) If you want the batteries to provide the same voltage but more current, hook them up this way. If you want the voltage increased but the current remain the same, hook the up with negative post to positive post and so on, until the voltage is what you want. For example using regular flashlight batteries of 1.5 volts, the first way, using only two batteries, you still have 1.5 volts but the batteries now will last twice as long. Using the second way, the batteries last only just as long as a single battery but you have 3.0 volts instead.

How do you put car batteries in series?

Connect Positive on A to Negative in B then Positive from B to whatever Positive on A had been connected to.

Are alkaline batteries positive or negative polarity?

All batteries regardless of the type (alkaline, lead acid, mercury, gel cell) have a polarity. AAAA, AAA, AA, B, C, D batteries the top tip is positive the bottom flat portion is negative.

How much terminals do batteries have?

Normally only two, a positive and a negative terminal.