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Q: Jerry built a rectangular prism out of base10 blocks first he used 25cm cubes to make the base he put 3 more layers of cubes on top of the first layer of cubes what is the volume of the prism he buit?
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How would you find the volume of blocks?

Volume of a rectangular block is: length*width*height. Use consistent units.

James built a rectangular prism out of base-10 blocks He used 30 cm cubes to make the base He put 4 more layers of cubes on top of that What is the volume of the prism he built?


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Lou built a rectangular prism out of base 10 blocks First he used 25 cm cubes to make the base He put 3 more layers of cubes on the top of the first layer of cubes What is the volume of the prism?

100 cubic cm

What is the volume of this rectangular solid if each block is a one inch cube?

It would be equal to the number of blocks in cubic inches.

If the volume of the smaller rectangular box is 27 in what is the volume of the larger rectangular box?

If the volume of the smaller rectangular box is 27 in3, what is the volume of the larger rectangular box?

How do you find the volume of a rectangluar prism?

Volume of a Rectangular Prism The volume of a rectangular prism can be found by the formula: volume=length*width*height

What is the formula in finding the volume of rectangular prism?

The volume of a rectangular prism can be found by the formula: volume=length*width*height

What is volume when speaking about rectangular prisms?

The volume of a rectangular prism is its cross-section area times its length.

What happens to the volume of a rectangular prism if you double the height?

The volume of a rectangular prism would double if you double the height.

What is the volume of a rectangular prism that has these dimensions 2ft3ft5ft?

2x3x5=30 The volume of a rectangular prism is 30 feet.

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism if you know the area and height?

Volume of rectangular prism = area of base x height