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Q: Kayce split three pitchers of water equally among her eight plants what fraction of a picture did each player get?
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Is someone split three pictures of water equally among eight plants what fraction of a pitcher did each plant get?

Each got 3/8.

Can pitcher plants live without humidity?

generally if there's no humidity the plant stops growing its pitchers.

What do pitcher plants eat in low nutrient areas?

Insects that fall into the pitchers provide nitrogenous nutrients for the plants which otherwise obtain their nutrients by the process of photosynthesis.

What test can I use to find out if my Asian plants are killing native plants?

you can plant the two plants in your yard, maybe one,two feet away from each other and water them both equally

What fraction of the different plants can be found in the tropical rain forest?


Mandy has a garden in which three fifths of the plants are tomato plants of the tomato plants one third are cherry tomato plants what fraction of the plants in Mandys garden are cherry tomato plants?

1/5 or her garden is cherry tomatoes.

Why are Pitcher-plants called Pitcher-plants?

Pitcher plants are called pitcher plants because they have 'pitchers' at the ends of their stems. The pitcher has digestive fluid in it with a sweet smell that attracts insects. The insects fly/crawl in and get trapped inside when the pitcher plant closes. They are then digested in the fluids in the "pitcher". Pitcher as in a jug or cup, not as in baseball pitcher but I think you knew that.

I have 8 plants 3 are flowers and 5 are ferns what fraction are ferns?

They are 5/8.

Picture of living thing?

A picture of a living thing can include any animal you have in the house, another human being, or live indoor and outdoor plants.

Give you the picture of power plant?

There are pictures of nuclear plants on the NRC website,

Which group of plant would have DNA that is most similar to the DNA of flowering plants?

mossesfernsconifers (correct answer)they would all be equally alike