No 168 is not a prime number it is a composite number
28 (22*7)
168 is not prime. 168 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 7
To find the prime factors of a number, divide the number by each prime number up to the greatest prime that will go into the number leaving no remainder. This is the process for factorization of 168: 168/2=84 84/2=42 42/2=21 21/3=7 7/7=1 Listing each divisor as a prime factor, the prime factors of 324 iare 2x2x2x3x7.
No. 168 is not a factor of 63. Factors of a number are smaller than the number.
5 x 7 = 35
Well, darling, the Highest Common Factor of 168 and 216 is 24. It's like finding the perfect pair of shoes that both numbers can comfortably slip into without any fuss. So, go ahead and strut your stuff knowing you've got that HCF on point.
LCF is 14
211 is a prime number.
No because it has more than two factors.
Factor means a number times another numbers equals a larger number. Since 7 can be called "a number" and 168 is the "larger number" then the "another number" would be something the multiplys by 7 to equal 168. That number would be 24