list the prime numbers between one and twenty
211 223 227 229 233 239 241.
Look up a list of prime numbers (a Google search for "prime numbers" or "list of prime numbers" should do); every number (greater than 1) that is NOT a prime number is composite.
That's an infinite list.
The prime numbers between 40 and 50 are 41 and 43.
31 and 37 are the only prime numbers between 30 and 40
It is a list of prime numbers.
Search the Internet for a list of prime numbers - the Wikipedia article on prime numbers might list a few. All numbers between 2-100 that are not prime, are composite. (The number is not counted as prime, nor as composite.)
The list is rather long to copy it here. But if you do an Internet search for "list of prime numbers", you will quickly get several such listings.
Yes. Just search Google for "list of prime numbers", and you'll get not only that, but much larger lists as well. You might also look at the Wikipedia article on "prime numbers"; this will give you links to lists of prime numbers.
These are the first prime numbers:2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43... You can find a longer list easily, if you search the Internet for "list of prime numbers".