im not sure what subject you want but i have posted two links hope they help ...
examples chemistry trivias examples chemistry trivias
what word can you form in 3 sevens 2 zeros and 2 senvens??Type "math Trivias" in google and you will get some.I have 13 gold coins 1 of them is countfit.wich one is ligter
what are trivias in science what are trivias in science
You can make trivias on twitter by searching some facts and then posting it on twitter :)
Yes, there are monthly and all-time lists of user contributions on Answers. The current lists are at the Related Link below.
1.An ant is determined to climb a flagpole that is 18 feet tall . Each day 2.a sphere has two sides . However there are one sided surfaces.
secret!! XD
a great laptop is a macbook:D
the answers is judging from when he was born he went to elementary school in a year
Rizal is one of the national heroes in the Philippines