

Math answers- how much percent is five-eights?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Math answers- how much percent is five-eights?
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Math time! First change 20 percent to a decimal. (.2) then multiply 50 by .2And you get: 10

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all you do is times the 47 by the percents but before u do that u put the percent in a decimal so 0.60 and then multiply the to then your answer is 28.2%

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I don't have the questions. If I did, I'm sure I could solve them without too much trouble, but the meanest nastiest thing I could do to you would be to hand you the answers. If someone did that to you, then in a place where you're supposed to learn math, you'd learn cheating instead. Trust me: If you want a happy life, math will be a much better thing to know than cheating will.

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The tip would be 4.57. That's the math answer, but if you were there in person, you would probably just leave $5.