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Q: Measurement of the change in the velocity of an object divided by the time it takes for this change to occur is?
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What is the physics definition of velocity?

In physics, velocity is the measurement of the rate and direction of change in the position of an object.

The change of the velocity of an object divided by the time for the change to occur?

That's a pretty good definition of the object's "acceleration".

What does velocity divided by the time interval equal?

It equals an undefined entity. The average acceleration of an object equals the CHANGE in velocity divided by the time interval. The term "change in velocity" is not the same as the term "velocity", "average velocity", or "instantaneous velocity".

How do you calculate an objects acceleration?

Acceleration is an object's change in velocity divided by its change in time. So: acceleration=(final velocity - initial velocity)/(final time - initial time)

Which word equation is used to calculate the acceleration of a object?

Acceleration is "force divided by mass" or "change in velocity with respect to change in time".

Rate of change of the velocity of an object?

The change in velocity is just the change in velocity. The RATE of change of velocity - how quickly velocity changes - is usually called "acceleration".

How is motion and acceleration alike And how are they different?

Motion is the measurement of an object and the change of its position over time. Acceleration is the measurement of velocity of an object. Both terms are used in physics. Acceleration denotes an increase of speed of an object while motion does not.

What is the change in velocity divided by the time interval in which the change occured?

It is acceleration. The difference between final velocity and initial velocity, divided by the time is the AVERAGE acceleration. Remember, though that velocity is a vector. So if you are going round in a circle at a constant speed, your direction of motion is changing continuously and so you are always accelerating!

Does change in the velocity of an object always indicate a change in speed?

speed=distance divided by time........Hewitt describes it as how fast something moves; the distance an object travels per unit of time; the magnitude of velocity !!... and velocity is the speed of an object and its direction of motion ; a vector quantity. SO .....YES!!!!!!!!!!!

What makes a change in velocity?

A force on a material object.The change in velocity per second is (the force) divided by (the object's mass).

What is final speed divided by acceleration?

Final Velocity minus Initial Velocity (all together this is the change in velocity) divided by the average acceleration will give you the time it took for the object to reach that speed.(Vf - Vi) / Aaverage = Time

What is rate at which an object covers distance?

That is called the velocity of the object. Velocity = Distance divided by Time taken.