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Well, speed is equal to distance over time (s = d/t)

However, velocity means speed WITH direction. This means that the teacher's drive to school would be a positive velocity, but the drive back would be a negative one.

Now, let's calculate velocities using the s = d/t formula!

  1. Distance to school from home:

speed = distance/time

speed = +10 miles/20 minutes

speed = 1/2 miles per minute

  1. Distance from school to home:

speed = distance/time

speed = -10miles/20 minutes

speed = -1/3 miles per minute

Note: the velocity towards home will be negative since we are travelling in the opposite direction of the distance to school (which is positive)

We have our two velocities- let's calculate the average!

1/2 -1/3 = 1/6

1/6 divided by 2 = 1/12

Thus, our average velocity is 1/12 miles per minute! You can convert this into decimal values if required.

Hope this helped! (:

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Q: Mr Hoffmana science teacher drove 10 miles to school in 20 minutes He drove the 10 miles home in 30 min His average velocity was?
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