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The square is the only quadrilateral that fits those specifications.

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Q: Name four quadrilaterals with four congruent sides and four congruent angles?
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Name and describe the different quadrilaterals?

Parallelogram -- 2 pairs of parallel sides Trapezoid -- exactly 1 pair of parallel sides Rhombus -- 4 congruent sides Rectangle -- 4 angles congruent Square -- four angles and sides congruent

Name the differerent types of quadrilaterals?

Parallelogram -- 2 pairs of parallel sides Trapezoid -- exactly 1 pair of parallel sides Rhombus -- 4 congruent sides Rectangle -- 4 angles congruent Square -- four angles and sides congruent

What quadrilaterals have no congruent sides and no congruent angels?

There is no specific name for them.

What is the name for a quadrilateral with four congruent sides and no right angles?

Rhombus: A Rhombus has four congruent sides but no right angles.

Which quadrilateral has 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles?

A quadrilateral has 2 pair of congruent angles and 4 congruent sides. What is the name of the quadrilateral

What is a Rhombus polygon?

A rhombus is a type of parallelogram. Parallelograms are types of quadrilaterals. Everything that applies to quadrilaterals and parallelograms apply to rhombuses.Quadrilaterals have four sides and four angles.Parallelograms have at two pairs of opposite sides and opposite angles congruent. (Note: congruent is pretty much "equal", except for geometric figures). Both pairs of opposite sides are also parallel, hence the name "parallelogram".Rhombuses have all sides congruent.

What polygon has equal sides and equal angles?

A polygon that has congruent sides and congruent angles is called a Regular polygon. If the number of sides is given, you can be more specific. Some examples: 3 congruent sides/angles = equilateral triangle 4 congruent sides/angles = square 5 congruent sides/angles = regular pentagon 6 congruent sides/angles = regular hexagon ...and so on, by adding "regular" in front of the shape's name.

What quadrilateral has 2 pairs of congruent sides and no right angles?

A quadrilateral with no right-angles would be a rhombus (or parallelogram) A rhombus has four sides, with opposite corner angles equal.

What is a quadrilateral that has 4 congruent sides but no congruent angles?

I can't find a name for it but an example would be a trapezoid. Some might have congruent angles but not all do.

What name best describes a quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides and 2 pairs of congruent angles?

A rhombus

What is the name of a polygon with equal sides and equal angles?

That would be called a regular polygon, one with congruent(equal) side legnths and congruent angles.

What is the name of a quadrilateral has 4 right angles and 4 congruent sides?

A square