(because a dollar is made up of 100 cents).
1, 325 cents 100 = 13.25 100
1,325 cents=13.25
Thus, in decimal notation, 1,325 cents equal $13.25
$2,500.00 Two thousand, five hundred dollars and no cents
Twenty-seven thousand, three hundred twenty-eight and twenty-five hundredthsFor currency (USD): Twenty-seven thousand, three hundred twenty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents.
One hundred twenty-two million, two hundred fifty-nine thousand, six hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty-six cents.
Two hundred twenty-five thousand, five hundred five and eighty-eight hundredths.Two hundred twenty-five thousand, five hundred five dollars and eighty-eight cents.
The number 1229.00 is "one thousand two hundred twenty-nine." In US currency, this would be "one thousand two hundred twenty-nine dollars" (and no cents).
One hundred twenty-six thousand, six hundred twenty-five dollars and eighty-two cents.
As a decimal numeral : one two six three point two five. As dollars and cents ($ 1263.25): One thousand, two hundred sixty-three dollars and twenty-five cents.
The number 23.00 is "twenty-three" (and no hundredths). Zero decimal values are not normally expressed. As US currency, it is "twenty three dollars" (and no cents).