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30 km/hr

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Q: One car travels 40 kmhr faster than another While one travels 150 km the other goes 350 km Find the speed of the slower car?
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No, Mach 20 is not faster than the speed of light. The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum, while Mach 20 is roughly 7.35 kilometers per second. Therefore, Mach 20 is significantly slower than the speed of light.

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no it is not, velocity includes speed and direction and while the speeds are the same the direction is not

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Vibrations are perceived by the human ear as sound. Faster vibrations produce higher-pitched sounds, while slower vibrations sound lower-pitched.

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If you are charging your device on a laptop or desktop, your charge time will be much slower. From a wall plug, it will be faster.

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