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Relative to the Earth, yes.

And actually, neverminding the Earth's rotation, their velocities are still the same. The velocity of the Earth around the Sun, the Sun around the Milky Way and the Milky Way streaking out from a primordial universal "center" make the Earth's rotation - and indeed, the car's personal velocities, irrelevent.

One could be going 100 kph and the other be dead on the road, and in a cosmic sense their velocities are identical. Only the energy each is expending differs in that scenario. Remember, running up and down the aisle of an airplane going 700 mph doesn't actually change your velocity. Just makes you tired!

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Q: One car travels due east at 40 km per hour and a second car travels due north at 40 km per hour Are their velocities equal?
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One car travels due to east at 40km per h and a second car travels north at 40km per h are their velocities equal?

No. "Velocity" includes a magnitude and a direction. If any of the two are different, then the velocities are also different.

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no it is not, velocity includes speed and direction and while the speeds are the same the direction is not

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yes of course!

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100 km and 75 km are displacements, NOT velocities. The resultant displacement is 25 km north,

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3.00 m/s

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=== === Since momentum is a vector and not a scalar quantity, to have the same momentum, they must have the same direction. Remember, vectors have magnitude and direction. Speed is the magnitude part of velocity. Since momentum is the product of mass (a scalar) and velocity (a vector) if two objects are moving in different directions, even if they have the same mass and speed, their momentums are different.

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Distance = Velocity*Time = 25.5*85 metres = 2167.5 metres.

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The Nile.

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To the north pole

Is 300kmh north the same velocity as 300kmh south?

No. Velocity is described as a speed in a certain direction. Since they are in different directions, they are different velocities.