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No. Velocity includes a directional component. If the two were of the same mass and collided head-on, their velocities (being in the reverse directions) would cancel out.

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Q: If a car is traveling north at 100 kilometers per hour and another car is traveling in the opposite direction at the same speed Are their velocities the same?
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Related questions

What velocity do you get when you combine all the velocities?

When combining velocities in the same direction, you simply add them together. For velocities in opposite directions, you subtract them. The resulting velocity will depend on the direction and magnitudes of the individual velocities being combined.

Do Two cars traveling the same speed in opposite directions have the same velocity?

No, because velocity includes direction as well as speed.In order for the velocities to be the same, they would have to go the same speed in the same direction.

Two buses depart from Chicago and going to New York and one to San Francisco. Each bus travels at a speed of 30ms. Do these buses have equal velocities explain.?

No the two buses do not have equal velocities because VELOCITY is the SPEED in a given DIRECTION. One would have a velocity of +30m/s because it is traveling in one direction, and the other would have a velocity of -30m/s because it is traveling in the opposite direction.

How are velocities in the same direction combined?

As the velocities are in the same direction then addition of vectors becomes so easy. We simply add the magnitudes of the velocities. If velocities go exactly opposite, then we get the difference of their magnitudes. If velocity vectors get inclined, then we use the parallelogram law of vectors to get the resultant.

When does two objects traveling at the same speed have different velocities?

Two objects can travel at the same speed but have different velocities if they are moving in different directions. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes speed and direction, so if the two objects are moving in opposite directions or at different angles relative to a reference point, their velocities will be different.

When you combine 2 velocities going in opposite directions how is the resultant velocity found?

To find the resultant velocity when combining two velocities going in opposite directions, you simply subtract the smaller velocity from the larger velocity. The direction of the resultant velocity will be in the direction of the larger velocity.

How can you calculate the resultant velocity of two velocities in the opposite dirction?

When two velocities are in opposite directions, subtract the smaller velocity from the larger one. The direction of the resulting velocity will be in the direction of the larger velocity. This is because the smaller velocity is effectively being subtracted from the larger one.

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One airplane travels due to north 300kmh while the another travels due to south at 300kmh. Are their velocities the same?

No, the velocities of the two airplanes are not the same. Although they have the same speed of 300 km/h, their velocities are in opposite directions (north and south), so they are different. Velocity includes both speed and direction.

What happens if Something is traveling at constant deceleration?

It slows to a rest and then starts moving in the opposite direction at constant acceleration in that direction.

If an object has two velocities are going in opposite directions would the overall velocity of the object be positive or negative?

It's positive in the direction of the greater one, and negative in the direction of the smaller one.