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Q: One force acting on a machine part is -5.0 Ni 4.0 Nj?
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When is the mechanical advantage greater than one?

The IMA of a machine is greater than 1 whenever the output force is greater than the input force.

What can you tell about two objects if one floats and one sinks?

First, buoyancy force must be defined. A force is just a fancy way of saying weight. But, the buoyancy force of an object is an upward acting force on an object in fluid (water in my example) and is equivalent to the weight of the volume of water that the object sitting in the water displaces. So, boats displace a huge volume of water and thus their buoyancy force, which is acting upwards, is very large; so, a boat will float. So, if two objects that displace amounts of water equal to their volume (think 2 blocks of substances) are put into water, and one sinks while the other floats, then the one which sank has a higher density than water and the one which floated has a lower density than water. But, if one object was shaped like a bowl and was floating, then all you can say is that it has a greater buoyancy force than the other object which sank. Note that when an object sinks, it still has a buoyancy force, but this force is not as large as the weight of the object itself, which is acting downwards, overcoming the buoyancy force. This topic gets even more confusing when talking about foams of various geometries, but I hope what I said kind of helps.

What is the difference between the equation for force and the equation for weight?

There are many equations for force, depending on the setup, the machinery, the origin of the force, etc. The equation for weight is one of them. It's the right one to use when the origin of the force is mutual gravitational attraction between two masses. <><><><><> The force acting on an object is mass times acceleration. The weight acting on an object is the force of gravity, and is G (the universal gravitational constant, about 6.67 x 10-11 N (m/kg)2) times mass1 times mass2 divided by distance squared. This is normally expressed in newtons, but if you normalize to G and mass2 you discover that the force due to gravity is the same as mass1.

Which equation can be used to solve for the mass of the object?

Thanks to Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion, one can determine the mass of an object if he or she knows both the force acting upon the object and the acceleration of the object. Newton's equation is as follows: F = ma; where "F" is the force acting upon the object, "m" is the mass of the object. and "a" is the acceleration of the object. Solving for "m", the equation can be rewritten as: m = F/m. Substitute force for "F", and acceleration for "a", and you can solve for the mass of the object.

What is a jewel in math terms?

I don't know of use of the word jewel in math terms. But a joule (pronounced the same as "jewel") is the energy exerted by a force of one newton acting to move an object through a distance of one metre.

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How is algebra used in enginerring?

one example is to solve for the forces in each part of a system/structure if it has an external force acting on it.

Adding a force acting in one direction to a force acting in another direction is the same as anewton?

yes becase itsdhbsdvsahdvhsjshjshj

What is adding a force acting in one direction to a force acting in the opposite direction called?

It is the same as adding a positive and adding a negative number

What will be the definition of co-linear force and coplanar force?

The difference is that one is co-linear force is one dimensional and co-planar force is 2-dimensional. Co-linear force is the force which is acting along a single line, whereas co-planar force is the force which is acting along a single plane.

What is Engine relay?

Mechanically and electrically, a relay is a generic term for a part of a machine which uses a small force to actuate a larger one.

What is the difference between net force and normal force?

Net force is the combination of all the forces acting on an object. When the forces are balanced, the net force is zero (because the forces cancel each other out.) When the forces are unbalanced, the net force will be a number.

What is an ubalanced force?

A unbalanced force is the resultant of one or more forces acting on a body which is not zero.

Which is better a machine which multiplies speed or a machine which multiplies force?

a machine which is a speed multiplier is the better one

What is a compound machine machine?

A compound machine is a machine that is made up of more than one simple machine. They they change the amount of force and the direction.

Adding a force acting in one direction to a force in another direction is the same as adding a?

as adding a ".... in the opposite direction.

when all of the forces on an object cancel one another out the forces are?

When the 'net' force on an object is zero, then either there are no forces acting on it, or else all the forces acting on it are 'balanced', and they have the same effect on it as if there were no force.

What is A joule equivilant to?

it is equal to one newton when acting upon an object as a force