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Q: What happens if one force is bigger than another?
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What happens to a box when the pushing force is is bigger than the friction force?

When the pushing force is greater than the friction force, the box will start to accelerate in the direction of the push. As the acceleration increases, the box's speed will also increase until another force, such as air resistance or another object, balances or stops its motion.

Can a minnow eat another minnow?

if one is a lot bigger than the other,it's possible but it rarely happens.

What happens when one force is greater than another force?

When one force is greater than another force acting on an object, the object will experience a net force in the direction of the larger force. This will cause the object to accelerate in that direction according to Newton's second law of motion (F=ma).

How big is the US air force?

Bigger than a plane

Is the force of an aeroplane nose diving bigger than the force of the pilot pushing the stick?

Ofcourse it is.

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Did Germany have a bigger air force than England during the second world war?

yes. Luftwafe was much bigger than RAF.

What can force do on an object?

force that can do an object in physics is greater than bigger no in zero to smallest number in one

If the force from the engine is bigger than the force of the air resistance?

The vehicle accelerates, assuming the engine is in a vehicle.

If your girl tells you another boys penis is bigger than yours than what does that mean?

1. why has she seen it?? 2. he is bigger than you.

Can your boss force you to work a 12 hour day?

He can if he has a bigger dick than you!!

Why is elongation more in glass than rubber for the same deforming force?

because when the same force is used on another by itself glass or rubber the elongations expand in wisth instead of lenth so the product only looks bigger then longer.