900 It is the only three digit number with a nine in the numbers place
144, 324, 576 and 900 are even three-digit square numbers that are multiples of 3.
101 is the first three-digit prime number.
There is only one three digit number for a gross, and that is 144.
Nothing in this universe: 16,25,36,49,64 & 81 are the only 2-digit squares.
To be both, a cube and a square, the number would have to be a 6th power. 26 = 64 is too small 46 = 4096 is too large So the only possibility is 36 = 729
No, when you add a two-digit number to another two-digit number, the largest sum you can get is 99 + 99 = 198, which is a three-digit number. In order to get a four-digit number, you would need to add at least a three-digit number to another three-digit number, such as 100 + 100 = 200.
It is 99,887,765
121 is perfect three digit square palindrome. (11 x 11) So is 484 (22 x 22) and 676 (26 x 26)
87 is the only 2-digit number that is 6 greater and 13 less than a square, but it is not prime.