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Q: Over time what can reduce a mountain to gravel?
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Related questions

How do you break endstone in minecraft?

break gravel with your fist or a shovel over and over. Most of the time it will keep dropping gravel, but if you do it enough, it will randomly turn into flint. Be paitent!

Why is gravel round?

Over time, weathering wears down the rocks and breaks off any ragged edges. Gravel doesn't have to be round, gravel can be crushed rock not smoothed by weathering. Click on 'related links' below for a list of gravel types

How wind and rain change a mountain over time?

Wind and rain beat upon the mountain and therefore cause erosion against the rock over time.

How can wind and water change a mountain over time?

Wind and water will weather the mountain, causing it to change form over thousands of years.

How can stone mountain change over time?

Because avalanche.

How long can gravel retain water?

The amount of time that gravel can retain water will vary depending on its state. Fine gravel will holder water for long as opposed to coarse gravel.

How do rock particles from a mountain become part of the soil in a valley?

Over time, the rock sides of the mountain will erode.

How many times does the word 'gravel' appear in the Bible?

The word gravel appears 3 time in the KJV of the Bible

How does a volcano build into a mountain?

A volcano forms a mountain as ash and/or lava build up over time from successive eruptions.

How does a mountain split?

Over Time, gravity pulls on both sides of the mountain, so make like a banana and split

How did China build the Great Wall of China?

The Great Wall of China remained the same but the materials they used changed over time. The Wall was first built using a mix of mud and gravel. Then over time when another emperor came he decided he wanted to change the materials. Instead of a mix of mud and gravel he decided to change it to bricks and stone.

How a mountain become a plain over a long time?

because of weathering and erosion