To the nearest thousand, 49000
When estimating the sum of 48765 and 9221, you can round each number to the nearest thousand. 48765 rounds to 49000, and 9221 rounds to 9000. Adding these rounded numbers gives you an estimated sum of 58000. To estimate the difference, you can round 48765 to 49000 and 9221 to 9000. Subtracting these rounded numbers gives you an estimated difference of 4000.
To the nearest thousand, 703,814 is 704,000 To the nearest million, 73,000,814 is 73,000,000
To the nearest thousand, 703,814 is 704,000 To the nearest million, 73,000,814 is 73,000,000
Round 27,647 to the nearest thousand.
round 68.2467 to the nearest thousand
It is already rounded to the nearest thousand.
To the nearest thousand, it is 1000.
It is 33,000 to the nearest thousand.
It is 127,000 rounded to the nearest thousand
5.65689 to the nearest thousand is 0