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windward side.

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Q: Sand dune migration occurs when sand is blown over the top of the dune from the?
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What is a dead sand dune?

A sand dune that got blown away

What is a sand dune in a quick description?

A sand dune is a pile of wind-blown sand.

A deposit of wind-blown sand is a?

Sand dune.

A deposite of wind blown sand is called a?

sand dune i think

What is the definition a sand dune?

A loose pile of wind-blown sand.

What is wind blown sediment called?

sand dune

A mound or hill of wind blown sand?

A dune

A deposit of wind blown sand is called?

Imagine a landscape made almost entirely of sand. A sand dune is a deposit of wind-blown sand.

What is a mound hill or a ridge of wind-blown sand?

a mound or ridge of windblow sa

What is dune made of?

A sand dune is when wind is blow over a rock or plant and becomes higher and higher Sand dunes are formed when sand is blown by the wind. The sand collects debris from the sea and they began to pile up. More sand piles up so the mound becomes a sand dune. Plants like Marram grass hold together sand dunes.

Why does planting grass trees or shrubs help prevent dunes from covering roads?

The movement of dunes is called dune migration. If the wind usually blows from the same direction, dunes will move downwind. Dune migration occurs as sand is blown over the crest from the windward side and builds up the slipface. In mostly level areas, dunes migrate until they reach a barrier. To prevent dunes from drifting over highways and farm land, people often build fences or plant grasses, trees, and shrubs.

What is the top of a sand dune called?

the top of a sand dune is called the crest of the dune.