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Q: Sean is trying to find two numbers with a sum of 14 and a difference of four define two variables write a system of equations and solve by graphing?
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What in the difference between a numerical and algebraic expression?

Numerical equations have only numbers and symbols, while algebraic equations have variables also.

What do you mean by algebra?

algebra involves equations with numbers a variables and your goal is to solve for the variable

What is the definition of the math term properties?

variables that allows us to preform equations with numbers.

What is the difference with equations with integers and equations with rational numbers?

It is a trivial difference. If you multiply every term in the equation with rational numbers by the common multiple of all the rational numbers then you will have an equation with integers.

When can two equations be equal?

Two equations are equal when the result of the functions of the numbers and variables of one equation match the results of the other equation.

How are equations and expressions alike?

They are alike because the both have value, they both have variables, and both have numbers. there, happy?

How do you do equations with fractions variables and numbers?

That depends on what the fractions, variables, and numbers are, on what the equation says, and on what you're asked to find. There's no general rule that's useful in every case. Sadly, there's no other choice but to use your brain every time.

What common characteristics do linear and nonlinear equations have?

Generally, both types of equation contain an equals sign and some combination of numbers and/or variables. That is the only thing I can think of that is common between all types of nonlinear and linear equations.

What is an algebra sentence?

Usually a sentence that contains letters that stand for numbers (variables) Example: 4 + x = 5 answer: x = 1

If the solution to a system of equations is 2 equals 0 what does that mean?

That means there is no solution.There is no set of numbers that you can assign to the variables in the system of equationsthat will make '2' equal to '0'.

Why do we use variables and what is the significance of using them in expressions and equations?

We usr them in place of real numbers in order to figure the problem out. The significance of using them is so you can figure out the problem because there could be many numbers that can solve that equation.

What is the difference between an algebraic expression and numerical expression?

algebric uses variables and numerical uses numbers