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Generally in rounding off i have found that on an average when you round off a 3 place decimal the impact of that round off is only 1/900-1000 of the actual value if we combine the data gathered from quantitative measurements o weight and volume in real life I would say numbers from 499,900 to 50,900 should be rounded off to give 500,000 I own a repair company in India called repair 24/7 . you can search it on Instagram as repairkarwao24x7 and binarepair on Google. Daily I have to deal with similar calculations and this is generally the principle I follow

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harsh vardhan

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The numbers that round to 500,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand are 450,000 and 550,000.

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Q: Select the numbers that round to 500,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand?
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54872918 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 54900000.

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154483 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 200,000

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