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Direct Cost:
These are all those costs which directly related and allocatable to manufacturing of units of products like direct material (raw meterial), Direct labor (Salaries or wages of workforce) etc.
Indirect Cost:
These are those costs which are not directly allocatable to manufacturing of units of products like salary of line manager in factory or supervisors salary etc.

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Q: Short note on direct cost and indirect cost?
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Yes, in a sentence with both a direct and indirect object, the indirect object typically precedes the direct object. For example, in the sentence "She gave him a book," "him" is the indirect object and "book" is the direct object.

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A noun functioning as an object in a sentence can be:the direct object of a verb;the indirect object of a verb;the object of a preposition;an object complement.Examples:My mother called my teacher for the assignment. (direct object)Jack gave the teacher a note from his mother. (indirect object)Jill brought an apple for the teacher. (object of the preposition)We met Ms. Moon, your teacher, at the conference. (object complement)

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