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If you are adding, you would use the plus sign:

235 + 987

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Q: Should the multiplication sign be used when adding 235 and 987?
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In Excel, you use the asterisk, "*". As to the name, I would just call it the "multiplication sign".

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Purely a matter of convenience. 'x' is an acceptable character that means "multiplied by", and it appears on the keyboard, whereas the regular multiplication sign doesn't. Well . . . to be perfectly honest, we don't even know what a "regular multiplication sign" is. ======================================== Another contributor agreed: I was just going to ask that, what is a regular multiplication sign? For 50 years I have been using x I think he means when he says regular multiplication sign he means the dot that is used for algebra because x is a variable. P.S. I just learned about scientific notation and asked my teacher the same question. She didn't know.

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Robert Recorde, who designed the equals sign, introduced plus and minus in 1557. Brahmagupta was an Indian mathematician who invented the multiplication sign around the 19th century. Johann Rahn first used the division sign in his book Teutshe algebra in 1659.

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It depends how its used, it could be used as the multiplication sign or it could be used simply as a variable and u need to solve what it is equal to. It has many meanings.

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To write repeated multiplication in an exponential notation, you should write the number that has to be multiplied as the base. Count the number of times that the number is used.

Should students be proficient in addition before learning multiplication?

Yes. Addition naturally comes first. And it is used in double digit multiplication too. However, for memorizing times tables, being proficient in addition doesn't matter. Memorization may be easier at younger ages than adding, requiring higher brain functions perhaps. Laurie C. (Springdale, AR Elementary Teacher)